
YTSO Academy Board Held Its First Meeting


The YTSO Academy Board, established within the Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry (YTSO), held its meeting where initial meetings and preliminary discussions on future plans were held. In the meeting, which was attended by YTSO Board Chairman Cemil Demiryürek and managed by Board Chairman Köksal Ketenci, strategies that will contribute to the development and transformation of the Yalova economy were discussed.

The board was coordinated by YTSO Trade Registry Manager, Management Systems and Accreditation Specialist İbrahim Akkanat, while important public stakeholders such as Yalova University, KOSGEB, Brand, Industry and Technology Provincial Directorate and İŞKUR also took part in the board.

Acting in line with the principle of "Green Transformation - Digital Transformation", the YTSO Academy Board aims to support the economic, technological, social, cultural and historical development of Yalova. It aims to contribute to high technology and added value production, encourage sustainable growth and strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem with its member and people-oriented works.

Considering the realities of the developing world, the YTSO Academy Board, which shapes the educational processes that support qualified work and workforce in line with technological developments, will continue to develop important projects in order to make Yalova an exemplary province.

Respectfully announced to the public.

Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry