
We Held the Regional Chambers Business Development Network Meeting


The Regional Chambers Business Development Network Meeting, which we started to develop cooperation between chambers, share good practices and develop model applications, was hosted by our Chamber. Secretary General V. Emre Gemicioğlu and IT System Manager Ayhan Yıldız from Gemlik Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Secretary General Fehmi Yıldız and Accreditation Officer Serhat İlseven from Bursa Commodity Exchange, Deputy Secretary General Kubilay M. Yıldırım from Orhangazi Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Assistant Responsible for Quality/Accreditation. Büşra Kaymak, Trade Registry Manager İbrahim Akkanat from Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Management Systems and Accreditation Specialist Necat Rüzgar and IT Officer Gökhan Ergül participated.

Moderated by İbrahim Akkanat, our Chamber's Quality and Accreditation Officer, the continuing meeting, which started with the opening speech on the establishment of the regional chambers cooperation network and its works, was followed by Gemlik Chamber of Commerce and Industry IT System Manager Ayhan Yıldız, after sharing experience about the Accreditation Audit in 2021, About Accreditation System Tracking Software, After sharing the opinions of the Chamber and Exchange representatives, a trip to Yalova Garden was made.

In the afternoon session; After introducing the software programmer Mustafa Baytar, used by some Chambers and Commodity Exchanges via Zoom, the software used by the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, their advantages and disadvantages were evaluated.

The meeting ended after it was decided to obtain information from different companies about the Accreditation Tracking Software in October, and to make an application within the scope of the Development Agency Technical Assistance, which is expected to be announced soon.

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