
We Held the First University-Business World Meetings


The first of the "University-Business World Meetings" series started with the "Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Technopark" presentation on December 7, with the aim of making it an event where both sides will gain significant gains by sharing the research carried out at the University on subjects closely related to the business world.

With the University-Business World Meetings, it is planned to create a platform where business people in Yalova can express the business problems they face and discuss these problems with the theorists of the subject. At the same time, it is aimed to increase the quality of scientific research carried out at the University. Thus, it is aimed that this organization will be beneficial to all stakeholders.

Organized in cooperation with Yalova University Graduate Education Institute and Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the organization was hosted by Yalova University Rector Prof. Dr. Suat Cebeci, Chairman of Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tahsin Becan, Director of Yalova University Graduate Education Institute Prof. Dr. It was held at the Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry Conference Hall with the participation of Senay Yurer Karslioglu, academics, industry representatives and students.

“Need to Join Collars”

Coming to the podium to make the opening speech of the organization, Director of Graduate Education Institute Prof. Dr. Senay Yurr Karslioglu; “We need to connect the collars. I think that one of the most important problems in our country is the lack of coordination and cooperation between institutions. With this organization, it is aimed that the theses written in our Graduate Education Institute will serve the information requirements of the business world of Yalova.” stressed the importance of cooperation.

“The 3 Basic Duties of Universities”

Yalova University Rector Prof. Dr. In his speech, Suat Cebeci reminded that they have signed protocols with many institutions and businesses for the last 3 years to introduce students to the business world. Stating that it is inevitable for the university to cooperate with the business world in order to produce and be useful, Prof. Dr. Suat Cebeci: “The university has 3 missions; teaching knowledge, producing knowledge and serving the community. They cannot be considered separately from each other. If we only care about teaching knowledge, we will be no different from college, if we stop producing knowledge, this time we will be in our place. Even if we are not going to serve the society, we will question our existence.”

Emphasizing the importance of integrating theoretical studies into life, Prof. Cebeci; "While determining the subject of the theses written at our university, let's keep in touch with the business world in Yalova, present these theses to representatives from the sector and create works that will be beneficial for them, so that we can test our work so that we can improve ourselves." He ended his speech with his words.

“Must Trust Science”

Rector Prof. Dr. Tahsin Becan, President of Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who came to the podium after Suat Cebeci, stated that they stand behind all the work of the university and that they are very pleased with it. Emphasizing the importance of trusting science, Becan said, “When science, commerce, companies and industry work together, success emerges, we see examples of this in various places. On this occasion, we will be happy if we can contribute to the economy of Yalova a little.” He reiterated his belief in cooperation with the words "Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Yalova Technopark", and left the floor to Research Assistant Mustafa Yılmaz to make a presentation.

“Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Yalova Technopark”

Stating that the feature that distinguishes entrepreneurs from other people is the ability to take risks, Yılmaz shared detailed information about entrepreneurship types, elements in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, digital entrepreneurship and Yalova Technopark with sector representatives.

At the end of the presentation, the event continued with a conversation about the questions of the representatives from the business world. It was stated that the next meeting will be held on 14 December on "E-commerce and E-Export".

Görsel Galeri