
Supporting Rural Development Investments Information Seminar Held


In cooperation with YTSO and Yalova Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, the informative seminar on “Supporting 50% Grant Supported Agriculture-Based Economic Investments and Rural Economic Infrastructure Investments” was held at the YTSO Assembly Meeting Hall in order to inform YTSO members about the support programs.

At the meeting where Yalova Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Suat Parıldar made the opening speech, Computer Engineer Ersin Tanrıkulu talked about Economic Investments Based on Agriculture (investments between 250.000-3.500.000 TL), Veterinarian Aydın Karakuş on Rural Economic Infrastructure Investments (investments between 0-600.000). delivered an informational presentation. After the presentations, the participants were given the right to speak and their questions about investment supports were answered.

Speaking at the meeting, YTSO Chairman of the Board Tahsin Becan said, "We thank all the participants and Yalova Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry for their contributions to this seminar, which we organized to inform our members about the support and to find answers to their questions."

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