January 10 working journalists day celebrated
Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Yalova Governorship jointly organized a breakfast program on the occasion of January 10th Working Journalists' Day. The program, which was chaired by Yalova Governor Dr. Hülya Kaya, was attended by YTSO Chairman Cemil Demiryürek, Board Member Tamer Yazıcı, Yalova protocol and members of the press working in our city.
In the breakfast program, the valuable contributions and efforts of the press members were appreciated and January 10 Working Journalists' Day was celebrated. Within the scope of the program, a question and answer session was also held with journalists. While journalists had the opportunity to share their professional experiences and suggestions, they also exchanged ideas about the regional agenda.
Cemil Demiryürek, Chairman of the Board of Directors of YTSO, gave information about the OIZs in Yalova in his speech to the journalists and said, “I would like to thank all our press workers who work with great devotion despite the difficult working conditions and congratulate January 10 Working Journalists' Day.”