Export Performance of Yalova
Yalova, as a province that makes significant contributions to the economic growth of our country, is getting stronger and coming to the fore every day.
We are proud of the great successes recorded in Yalova's export performance in the recent period. Thanks to the dedication and determination of our exporters, Yalova's efficiency and competitiveness in world markets has increased. Our export figures show the power and potential of Yalova in the international trade scene.
Yalova has proven itself in the world markets with various products that have a wide range of sectors. Our exports are increasing rapidly in many fields from Ornamental Plants, Ship and Yacht Industry, Chemical Production and Mining Sector. Yalova's production power and quality has made it a preferred brand in the international market.
The increase in our exports also makes positive contributions to Yalova's economic growth and employment creation. It helps create new job opportunities and decrease unemployment rates in Yalova. However, we will continue our efforts to carry this success not only to the present, but also to the future. We will work with all our strength to further increase Yalova's export potential, to open up to new markets and to maintain our competitiveness. We will continue to support our exporters and our business world.
When we look at the export performance of our province in the first 5 months of 2023, exports decreased by 68.6 percent compared to the previous year and became 78 million 304 thousand dollars.
Yalova exports, which started to rise in April, decreased in May and amounted to 7 million 595 thousand dollars. On the other hand, 5 Million 469 Thousand Dollars were exported last January, 6 Million 152 Thousand Dollars in February, 6 Million 411 Thousand Dollars in March and 52 Million 675 Thousand Dollars in April.
Thus, exports from Yalova in the first 5 months of the year reached 78 million 304 thousand dollars. In the first 5 months of 2022, exports, which were 248 million 990 thousand dollars, decreased by 68.6 percent compared to the same period of this year.
The ship and yacht sector, which undertook 90 percent of Yalova exports in the past years, had not made any exports in the first 3 months of the year. Shipyards made their first export in April 2023 with 45 million 889 thousand dollars. However, May exports decreased by 98.3% and amounted to only 624 thousand dollars.
The export, which was 1 Million 506 Thousand Dollars in May 2022, reached 2 Million 974 Thousand Dollars with a rate of 97.4% this year. The exports of the chemical industry, which was 8 million 195 thousand dollars in the first 5 months of last year, reached 15 million 153 thousand dollars with an increase of 85%.
Our companies from Yalova, which have a say in the ornamental plants sector in Turkey, continued to rise in May as well. Manufacturers, which exported 2 million 186 thousand dollars in the first 5 months of last year, achieved an export of 3 million 457 thousand dollars with an increase of 58.2 percent in the same period of this year.
In the mining sector, exports, which were 1 million 8 thousand dollars in May 2022, increased more than double this year and reached 1 million 574 thousand dollars with a rate of 56.1%. However, when looking at the cumulative total; The export of mineral products, which was 7 Million 228 Thousand Dollars in the January-May period last year, decreased by 20% to 5 Million 752 Thousand Dollars.